Journey to Slut Chapter 8

I got to thinking about how all this started. It was all Howard’s doing really. At least he prompted it. I started my sexual play in my mid teens. Bobby Dodson and I made out and groped each other in my back yard. I wasn’t ready for sex yet but he fingered me and I liked that a lot. The thought of his cock in my vagina was very intriguing but the idea of something that size going in there did not seem like an idea I was ready for. I gave him a handjob and I liked when I made him cum. After that first time, he was relentless. He wanted me to do it almost every day and I got tired of it. I had no idea of big or small cocks back then. I knew they came in different sizes but his was the first I touched and saw and I had nothing to compare to. Looking back he was pretty well hung. I could barely wrap my hand around it.

Then I dated Chad. I’m not sure I would call it dating. Be must have made out with half the girls in school including me. We went back to my place after a movie and made out on my couch. I was wearing a skirt and he slid his hand up my thigh. We kissed like mad and he rubbed my clit like an expert. It was my first orgasm and I didn’t really expect it. I was ready to return the favor when I heard someone moving around. My mom came down and made him leave. She was polite but I think she knew there was something going on. We texted each other after he left and he told me how horny he was. I let him know I was ready to give him a handjob but it didn’t work out.  The next day I went to his house and it was just him and his older brother there. We sat around and talked for a bit and I noticed him staring at my boobs. I told him I wanted to see his room. Once there he pushed me up against the wall and kissed me hard. This time I was wearing jeans and he moved his hand between my legs. I thought he had five hands because they were everywhere on my body. I put my hand on his bulge and I squeezed it.

“I think my cock is going to explode” he said.

I didn’t want intercourse and I told him that I did not want to fuck. He said he understood.

His hands were up my shirt feeling my boobs. Wow, that feels nice I thought. it was like a direct connection to my pussy. The more he squeezed and played with my boobs the more I wanted to him touch my pussy.  He pulled my shirt up to take it off and I freaked a little. “What about your brother?” I asked.

“Never mind him,” he said. Chad flipped the lock on his door and then pulled my shirt off. He kissed my nipples. That felt even better than his hands. My vagnia needed attention.  I undid my belt to give him a hint. All this time we were standing by the door to the room. Now he took me over to the bed and pushed me on it. he undid my jeans and pulled them off.

“You are so beautiful” he said.

I blushed. “Thank you.”

Chad undid his jeans and took them off.  He was wearing boxers and his erection poked out. He lay next to me and we kissed again. His hand found my clit and he again expertly brought me to orgasm. I rolled over on him half way and I slid my hand on his cock. While I kissed him, our tongues furiously intertwining, I stroked his length. It throbbed and pulsed. He tensed and it squirted several times landing all over his chest.

“did I do it right” I asked.

“Yeah. that was great.” he said grinning.

We kissed some more and his erection was still there. He rolled over on top of me and positioned his cock to my pussy. He started sliding the head along my slit and boy did that just feel like heaven. Then I felt ever so slightly his head start to make its way into me. My head was spinning and my pussy was flowing. I wanted him in my so badly but I just couldn’t. I pushed him off me and rolled over shutting my legs.

“What’s the matter?” he said, his hand on my shoulder. “That didn’t hurt did it?”

“No.” I replied. “I just can’t. I’m sorry. I’m just not ready for that. I told you we were not going to fuck.”

“I understand. But I’m so horny right now my brain is going to explode.”

I turned over and looked him in the eye then at his penis. It really was super hard. I kissed him on the lips and held his hard cock stroking it as I ran my lips over his. 

“You think you could … you know …” he said in a husky voice.


“You know, give a blow job.”

I thought about it for a second. His penis in my mouth. That did not sound like a pleasant experience.

“I don’t know.” I said.

“Aw come on. Just try it.”

I fended off his request for a bit and he persisted.

“Just try it a little. If you don’t like it you can stop.”

“I will try but I’m stopping if I don’t like it.”

I got close to his cock and I looked at it. This was the closest I had ever seen a penis. I could see the veins and the skin tightly stretched on his firm shaft. There was a color difference where his circumcision was done. He told me just to kiss the head which I did. I picked up a slight taste of salt as I did. It wasn’t too bad.

“Don’t you cum in my mouth,” I said to him. “If you do this will be the last time this ever happens.”

He pushed his cock at me, telling me to put it in my mouth. I let it in and he pushed more, trying to get it deeper into my mouth until it was hitting the back of my throat. I moved up and down on it and he kept trying to push it in more. I pulled away and stroked his wet cock a few times then took it back into my mouth. I used my hand and lips on him, while he moaned. I liked the idea that I was pleasuring him. I felt his cock tense and a squirt went off in my mouth. I pulled his cock out and held it against my neck as I watched him tense and cover my neck and upper chest in cum.

“Feeling better now” I said with a grin. 

“Yeah.” he said then shot me an eye. “I could go for more.”

I slapped his cock.

We laid there for a while and he told me how much he really wanted me and that he hoped we would do it one day. He asked me if I liked giving a blowjob. I told him I thought it was okay. For some reason I did not want to tell him how I liked the idea of giving him pleasure.  It just did not seem like he should know that. I let him know that I was not happy that he squirted in my mouth. Lucky for him it was just a little bit.

When i got home my sister was the only one there. As I got close to her she looked at me funny. She sniffed.

“Oh my God.” she said, her eyes wide with disbelief. “You smell of sex.”

I never blushed so hard in my life. I denied it but she looked at me with that knowing look. I explained to her that I did not actually have sex. She explained to me that because I didn’t have intercourse that didn’t mean it was not sex. I told her everything that happened.

“You better shower before mom gets home.”

I told her about the blowjob and asked her if she liked doing it. She told me she loved doing it. I wasn’t so enthused with the idea.

“Well, he sounds super horny like most guys are and they are determined to put their penis somewhere.” she said.

I laughed.

This went on for about three weeks. I never let Chad fuck me. He fingered me and he was the best at playing with my clit. I wondered why I never tried making myself cum. After a few weeks everything tapered off. He started paying attention to other girls and that made me mad. I guess it was a break up though it really was mostly a sexual affair.